Inventory Management

Eagle Support Services inventory management protocols ensure your products are safe, organized, and accurately accounted for. Whether planning a project ahead of time, or shipping units as need — we’ve got you covered.

Eagle Support Services Inventory Management

All inventory is categorized and arranged by client, project, and category.

Our process involves daily floor organization based on project timelines and ship dates. 

Our quality controls ensure all inbound and outbound shipments are carefully inspected and documented.

Our warehouse is locked and secured at all times, with no unauthorized access or foot traffic. Security systems monitor the entire facility.

What is inventory management?

Inventory management refers to the process of ordering, storing, using, and selling a company’s inventory. It involves managing the stock mix of a company and understanding the different demands on that stock. The goal of inventory management is to efficiently streamline inventories to avoid both excess inventory and shortages.

An important aspect of inventory management includes the types of inventory. Inventory management encompasses the management of raw materials, components, and finished products. It includes tracking inventory from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to the point of sale.

Inventory management methods

There are different methods of inventory management, each with its pros and cons.

Some common methods include:

Just-in-time management (JIT)

This method aims to minimize inventory levels by ordering and receiving goods just in time for production or sale.

Materials requirement planning (MRP)

This method involves calculating the materials needed for production based on demand forecasts, and scheduling orders accordingly.

Ecommerce order quantity (EOQ)

This method determines the optimal order quantity that minimized total inventory costs. Factors for consideration include ordering costs and carrying costs.

Days sales of inventory (DSI)

This method measures the average number of days it takes for inventory to be sold, helping to asses inventory turnover.

Benefits of inventory management

Overall, inventory management plays a crucial role in ensuring that businesses have the right amount of stock at the right time, minimizing costs and maximizing efficiencies.

Effective inventory management offers several benefits, including:

  • Avoiding excess inventory and reducing carrying costs
  • Minimizing stock-outs and ensuring product availability.
  • Improving order accuracy and fulfillment.
  • Optimizing cash flow and reducing capital tied up in inventory.

Inventory management costs

Inventory management involves several costs that businesses need to consider. Effective inventory management can help businesses minimize these costs and maximize profits. By optimizing inventory levels, businesses can reduce holding costs, avoid stock-outs, and minimize obsolete inventory costs.

Here are some of the costs involved in inventory management:

Ordering Costs

Ordering costs can vary depending on the size and complexity of the order. These are the costs associated with placing and receiving orders for inventory, such as purchase order processing, shipping, and receiving.

Holding Costs

Holding costs are the costs associated with storing and managing inventory, including rent, utilities, insurance, and labor. These costs can add up quickly, especially if inventory is stored for long periods.

Shortage Costs

Shortage costs are the costs associated with running out of stock, such as lost sales, backorders, and expedited shipping fees. These costs can be significant, especially if a business experiences frequent stock-outs.

Obsolete Inventory Costs

Obsolete inventory costs are the costs associated with holding inventory that is no longer in demand or has become outdated. These costs can include storage fees, write-offs, and disposal costs.

Opportunity Costs

Opportunity costs refer to the potential revenue that a business could have earned if the capital tied up in inventory had been invested elsewhere. This cost is often overlooked but can be significant, especially for businesses with limited resources.

Strategies to reduce inventory costs

There are several strategies that businesses can use to reduce inventory costs. It’s important to note that these strategies are interrelated and should be implemented together for the best results. By implementing these strategies, businesses can reduce inventory costs and improve profitability.

Here are some of the most effective strategies:

Forecast True Demand

Accurately forecasting customer demand is critical to reducing excess inventory. By forecasting true demand instead of sales, businesses can avoid overstocking or understocking inventory

Implement Just-In-Time (JIT) Scheduling

JIT scheduling involves producing or ordering inventory just in time for production or sale. This strategy can help businesses reduce inventory levels and minimize holding costs.


Kitting involves bundling low-demand products with high-demand products to help clear out slow-moving inventory. This strategy can help businesses reduce inventory levels and minimize holding costs.

Optimize Inventory Management

Optimizing inventory management involves using data to make informed decisions about inventory levels, reorder points, and safety stock. By optimizing inventory management, businesses can reduce excess inventory and minimize holding costs.

Reduce Lead Times

Reducing lead times can help businesses minimize the time between placing an order and receiving inventory. This strategy can help businesses reduce inventory levels and minimize holding costs.

Get Rid of Obsolete Inventory

Obsolete inventory can be a significant cost for businesses. By getting rid of obsolete inventory, businesses can free up space and reduce holding costs

Bundle Dead Stock to Sell

Bundling dead stock with other products can help businesses clear out slow-moving inventory and reduce holding costs.

Whether planning a project ahead of time, or shipping units as needed — we’ve got you covered.

We maintain an active warehouse for inventory management.

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